Tuesday, May 5, 2009

"Fast foward to save America"


With great power comes great responsibility, I know this all too well. My superhero ability allows me to control time and before I only used it at work,to spend more time with family and on special occasions to get out of class. Now I'm going to kick it up a notch, I'm going to speed up time to help America.

The stimulus package is taking too damn long to go in effect and it's causing more families to lose money, employment and homes. So I'm going to take all parties responsible in writing this package and put them in "fast foward mode". I thought of "fast fowarding " to the day it was completed but who knows how much time will be lost waitin on the government.Next I'll take all the families that lost their homes, jobs and money and "rewind time" to give them a look at what went wrong and how to prevent it next time. Maybe I would even save a couple of families from becoming homeless in the first place.The next step is to "slow down" productivity with the sweat shops overseas so America would only buy American and that would increase fair trade, helping america get back on it's feet by opening more jobs for Americans. Maybe Wal- Mart would hire more cashiers to run the registers. When more jobs open up more people would be able to get off of assistance.
It's time for someone to step up and help America. Some Americans need a place to call, a job that allows them to grow not a dead end jobs that forces them to work overtime for little pay while the boss enjoys weekend getaways. Once America gets back on top then maybe I'll help out other countries such as China. I would "freeze" their controling government so that the residents would be able to view what they pleased. It's time to step up and make a change for America. First America ... then the WORLD!

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